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    Next Season starts in July 3rd: "From Isolation to Collaboration"

    Info & Register here: https://shorturl.at/yUOlj

  • What is Raging Mothers?


    Modern culture has a knack for creating separation between human beings. One of the most pervasive ways this separation persists in your daily life is by telling yourself that it is not okay to feel, that you cannot feel anger, you don’t have time to feel or you are the only one that feels this way. All these thoughts are still located on the old map of feelings. Mothers believe that emotions will simply disappear, like magic.


    As a mother, many of the strategies you took were to isolate yourself and stifle your emotions for fear of getting out of control and looking messy, if you feel anger you need to get rid of it at all costs. When you do not use your feelings consciously, they often appear in the form of an implosion or explosion. This strategy is designed to make you feel guilty, which keeps you trapped in an endless cycle of unconscious anger against yourself and others, leaving you even more lonely.


    During this Raging Mothers journey you will discover, in a team with other mothers, that feeling is a gateway to create a connection with yourself and the people you care about. You will use your feelings to find new non-linear answers for your life and by using them consciously, they become your greatest allies. You will expand your possibilities and realise you are supported.



    You have abandoned yourself for long enough and now it's time for you to nourish all parts of you. What seeds are you ready to sow? The time is NOW.

    Raging Mothers is powered by Possibility Management. What is it?

    Possibility Management is upgraded thoughtware for catalyzing change and expansion in various inner and outer domains. It works by converting problems into fertilizer, doorways, rocket ships, or avoidable mud puddles along your path of evolution. Possibility Management builds bridges between modern culture which brings humanity to its limits, and the next cultures which are regenerative.


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    Counscious Feelings

    Many things happen in your day: things inside you, things outside of you. With each and every thing that happens (or fails to happen) feelings come: angers, sadnesses, fears, and joys. Most of these feelings occur beneath our standard threshold of awareness.


    This is because modern culture does not teach us how to make use of our feelings. If you keep a high Numbness Bar and use the Old Thoughtmap of Feelings where anger, sadness, and fear are 'bad', 'dangerous', or 'negative', then when your Feelings or Emotions naturally arise, you train your Emotional Body to automatically suppress the information and energy. You may even have installed some kind of Survival Strategy to prevent you from expressing these 'embarrassing' or 'life-threatening' outbursts.


    Uncommunicated feelings do not go away. They turn into emotions that fester inside of us, sometimes for years, or decades. The link between emotions - which are uncommunicated feelings - and serious illnesses, both physical and psychological, grows stronger and clearer each year. Yet the old thoughtware that there are three “bad” or “negative” feelings and only one “good” feelings, and that feelings are in general not okay, prevails.


    Modern culture offers many ways to get rid of “bad” feelings: distractive TV, over-shopping, over-work, alcohol, and perhaps worst of all, the horrifying escalation in prescriptions for psychiatric medications.


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    Rage Club & Counscious Rage


    The purpose of Rage Club is to change your relationship to the feeling and emotion of anger so you can consciously and productively use the energy and information of anger as an adult in your daily life, without being possessed or overwhelmed by it.


    In modern culture we are deeply conditioned to believe that it is not okay to be angry because, “Anger is one of the negative feelings,” and “anger is dangerous, loud, embarrassing, uncivilized”. When you learn to own your anger and use it responsibly, you get clarity and can act, protect yourself and avoid creating victim-drama-stories.


    Rage Clubs are an extremely safe learning environment allowing you to reconnect to the adult and archetypal power and intelligence of your anger.


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    Living fully instead of Surviving

    Surviving takes everything you have to maintain your status quo. It is designed the way so you have no surplus Presence, no abundance of Being or Being With. This is why surviving is exhausting. At the end of the day - or the end of each moment - there is no surplus. Every human being has a Survival Strategy. Every human being is potentially NOT their Survival Strategy.


    Leaving behind Survival by shifting into Living does not happen by itself. Yes, you are designed for the transition from Survival to Living to take place, beginning about 18 years of age. But several factors weigh unfairly against you.


    In order to live instead of survival the first steps is to start connecting to ypur feelings and getting authentic informations from yourself. The more you practice, the more Matrix you built for the unfolding of your being. When you have built the proper quantity and quality of Matrix, your awareness and values suddenly evolve to the next level of complexity, elegance, and sophistication. You can suddenly create things you could never create before. You suddenly understand, connect, and relate in ways you could never understand or relate in before. Seeds sprout when they are in proper conditions. Caterpillars emerge from their cocoon when they are sufficiently formed. Humans evolve into new orders of awareness when they have built enough Matrix. This is pretty straightforward stuff, the mechanics of Transformation.


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    Mothers in Collaboration

    I nostri membri sono incredibilmente dediti ai loro progetti. I consulenti lavorano solitamente dalle 5 alle 7 ore settimanali per valutare le organizzazioni dei clienti, raccogliendo e analizzando dati, e formulando suggerimenti.
    I nostri consulenti rappresentano il meglio, fra i più ambiziosi e meritevoli di tutta l'università di Verona: Ogni membro deve superare un difficoltoso processo che consiste in un esame scritto e due orali. Tipicamente, sono accettati meno del 10% dei candidati. I nostri processi di screening consentono di offrire ai clienti la possibilità di ottenere il miglior servizio di qualità.
  • Photos & Videos

    Dai un'occhiata e divertiti!

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    The 4 Feelings in Motherhood

    Marina F. Mello shows you how to give yourself space to feel

    all of the stuck emotions that block you from connecting with life and people you love.

    Fullfilling your Unmet needs and create Extraodinary Relationships

    Sareeta Pattni elucidates the value of prioritizing her own needs

    in order to foster exceptional relationships in her life.

  • Rage Club Spaceholders

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    Marina F. Mello


    As soon as I became a mother, while I was still pregnant, I began to see how the survival strategies of Modern Culture were no longer serving me. Modern Culture - with 1000 of manuals of best practices - would dictate with a linear plan the best way to give birth, to feed, to care for, to educate, to be with my son, etc. My son brought me to the magic of being alive on this earth and the importance of being in a team, looking at old habits, thoughts and behaviours that do not follow the evolution of Next Culture.


    I'm a non-linear mother following impulses from my achetypal lineage. I'm a witch, I'm a healer, I'm a connector. I am an awakener from fantasy worlds.

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    Sareeta Pattni

    I am an explorer of my inner world who enjoys the process of discovery through my outer worldly encounters with people, places, cultures and food. My two young children have shown me that life can be different to how I thought it should be and I don’t have to follow ‘the plan’. Carving out a new path is scary because I have never done it this way before and this means I am making it up as I go. I want a village where women and men are committed to each other with clarity, love, discovery, creation and abundance allowing a different culture of childhood to emerge so children can be in their own process of exploration.